Playhouse West presents This is Family, a five-piece anthology show produced by Samantha Lyn Parry and Narci Regina, that delves into themes about the definition of family in these rapidly evolving times.
The program runs May 17-19 at the Royal Theater, the Producer’s Club, featuring five original one-act plays that ask provocative questions about the definition of ‘family’ in 2018.
All five plays are co-written and/or co-directed by women and deal with issues that include race, homophobia, infidelity, neglect, abandonment and forgiveness.
As I Am, written, directed and starring Samantha Lyn Parry, focuses on a 24-year-old, recently out to her very disapproving Catholic parents.
Pickle Jar, written, directed and starring Matthew Brent and Carly Mazzochetti centers on an interracial couple, facing financial hardship.
Home, written, directed and starring Narci Regina & Bethany Sketchley, involves two sisters who grow up in foster care after being abandoned by their alcoholic mother.
In Bobby and Lizzy, written, directed and starring Ed Aristone and Paula Kem, a couple with disabilities faces the challenges of life together.
And in Brothers and Sisters and Husbands and Wives, written and directed by Samantha Lyn Parry, we see how a close sibling bond can shatter when the reasons behind a parental divorce is revealed.
Tickets are $15 and can be purchased via: The Royal Theater at the Producer’s Club is located at 358 West 44th Street in New York City. For further information call: 201-247-5848.